Ratings and achievements
The Pravo-300 rating is the first and largest study of the legal market in Russia.
The Pravo-300 rating serves as a benchmark for courts and customers, with the help of which they can assess the level and professionalism of legal consultants.
The rating methodology is based on an assessment of the project experience of law firms, as well as client feedback regarding the quality, level of service and the ratio of cost and quality of legal services.
The study is divided into federal and regional ratings. Companies with offices in Moscow participate in the federal one, while companies with offices in other regions participate in the regional one.
According to the results of the Pravo-300 rating, Rezolut Law Firm was noted in the following categories:
- Arbitration proceedings (high market) – 4th group of the regional rating
- Criminal law – 3rd group of the regional rating
- Land law / commercial real estate / construction – 4th group of the regional rating
- Arbitration proceedings – 4th group of the regional rating
- Bankruptcy – recommended firm
- Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction – 3rd group of regional rating
- Criminal law – 3rd group of the regional rating
- Criminal law and procedure – 2 group of regional rating (before rebranding – JURFO)
Litigation market research: Pravo.ru
Pravo.ru’s litigation study identifies the most successful law firms in the field of economic litigation, the most highly competitive branch of legal consulting.
The evaluation criteria are the number of arbitration cases in which the law firm represented the interests of the plaintiffs or defendants during the year, the total and average amount of claims in cases, as well as the result of dispute resolution.
The study is conducted both among federal law firms and among regional ones.
Rezolut Law Firm has been among the leaders in the litigation market for several years in a row:
3 rd group of the regional study: the average amount of Rezolut claims at the end of 2021 amounted to 32.1 million rubles, the total amount is 897.7 million rubles.
3rd group of the regional study: the average amount of Rezolut claims at the end of 2020 amounted to 35.43 million rubles, the total amount is 850.4 million rubles.
Rating "Leaders of the market of legal services in Russia" according to Kommersant
The purpose of the rating is to identify the most efficient and reliable providers of legal services in all key sectors of the Russian economy and law.
The rating includes three categories: “Best Legal Practices”, “Best Industry Practices” and “Leaders of Individual Rating of Lawyers”.
The subject of the rating research are: the scale, significance and effectiveness of the firm’s projects, staffing, professionalism, coherence and effectiveness of the team of lawyers.
According to the results of the rating, Rezolut Law Firm was noted in the following categories:
- Criminal law. Official and economic crimes – Top – 15
- Arbitration proceedings. Commercial Dispute Resolution: Mid-market – Band 2 Top 15
- Bankruptcy of Individuals – Top 10
- Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction. Disputes from property relations, disputes about the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation Band 2 Top – 15
- Construction and real estate. Dispute Resolution and Counseling – Band 2 Top – 15