Our lawyers stopped the illegal actions of opponents, who, a few days before the New Year, de-energized the retail premises of the client Rezolut. Anastasia Ramazanova secured the adoption by the Arbitration Court of interim measures in the form of restoring the power supply to the Principal’s premises. In addition, the arbitration court forbade the defendants to take any action to limit or cut off the power supply to the Principal’s premises for the period of consideration of the dispute. Having insisted on the prompt execution of enforcement actions, the company’s lawyer Yuri Zhuravlev, together with the bailiff – the executor, achieved the execution by the defendant of the requirements of the writ of execution just three days after the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region took measures to secure the claim.
As a result, on 31.12.2019, power supply was fully restored in one of the largest shopping centers in the city.