The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation approved an overview of the most important decisions

On April 22, 2014, by its Decision, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation approved the review of court practice for the first quarter of 2014.

The review contains extracts from decisions in cases involving the constitutional foundations of public law, labor law and social protection, private law, and criminal justice.

So, the court cites decisions concerning:

the appointment of an administrative fine to legal entities below the lower limit;
assessing the constitutionality of an international treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects of the Russian Federation;

participation of the nominated candidate and his proxies at the meeting of the election commission when considering the issue of registration of this candidate;

the dismissal of police officers in respect of whom the criminal prosecution in the private prosecution case was terminated due to the reconciliation of the parties;

recognition of a certain category of persons as invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
payment of monetary compensation by disabled citizens from among the military, whose health was harmed as a result of radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl disaster;

prohibition of adoption by persons with or have had a criminal record, or are subject to or have been prosecuted;

the procedure for making a decision by the general meeting of LLC participants to increase its authorized capital by making additional contributions by the members of the society;
securing the obligations of the developer under the contract of equity participation in the construction with a pledge of the constructed object;

participation of the victim in the consideration by the court of the issue of parole of the convicted person from serving the sentence;

return without consideration of cassation complaints in criminal cases by judges of regional and equal courts.
