The State Duma did not support the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in the desire to keep the file of arbitration cases

During the consideration of the presidential bills, the deputies did not support the initiative of the Supreme Abitrazh Court of the Russian Federation to preserve all information resources of the abolished court, including one of the most convenient services for lawyers – a file of arbitration cases.

On December 18, the State Duma considered in the second reading three bills by President Vladimir Putin on the future of the judicial system after the liquidation of the Supreme Arbitration Court. The general essence of these bills boils down to the fact that the arbitration courts will allegedly remain in their current form, the “single” Armed Forces will be located in St. Petersburg, and a special examination commission and a qualification board will be involved in the selection of the initial composition for it.

The key bill in this package was “On the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation”, and most of the amendments were made to it. The Supreme Arbitration Court also proposed adjustments, but most of its initiatives were rejected by the deputies. In particular, the SAC asked to preserve and use all information resources of arbitration courts, including their official websites, the Internet portal of arbitration courts, a card file of arbitration cases, a bank of decisions of arbitration courts, as well as “a system for submitting documents to arbitration courts in electronic form, a paperwork system in arbitration courts, an electronic document management system, a unified staffing table ”. In the opinion of the legal community, all of the above-mentioned provisions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation have proven themselves positively and require implementation into the system of courts of general jurisdiction.

However, this initiative did not meet with support from the deputies. It is not yet clear whether the fate of these bases will be determined in other laws; in the second package of judicial reform from Vladimir Putin, not a word is said about their fate.

Like the card index, it did not deserve a mention in the law “Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation” – the deputies rejected the amendment, according to which from October 2014 the magazine would be called “Bulletin of Arbitration Courts” and would be published by the “single” Supreme Court.
